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Sunny Side, live show hosted by Bill Allard (Duck’s Breath), starts Monday, August 26, Sunny Side YouTube 9:30am PST

Roger Goodstone (Jim Turner) and 24/7 (Mark Fite) reveal 40 years of disturbing secrets and events in the Hollywood music business.

Futurists: Nether Bullwinkle (John Fleck), Darena Dalk (Lisa Hori-Gracia), and Galen Woodstock (Michael Shepperd) argue about how to save the world from carbon dioxide.

Lawyer JEREMEY JUDD (Amos Glick) and C.E.0. LARRY LENNOX (Ed Holmes) debate bagging your own groceries. Librarian SHELLY SHARP (Marie Shell) and poet JANET JILLSON (Michaela Miller) debate room service.

Sunny Side is a loosely structured live broadcast featuring guests, original videos, and live comedy.

Sunny Side is quality writing, serious acting and artificial intelligence. Uncanny valley budgets R us.”

— Bill Allard

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, June 28, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Bill Allard of Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre hosts SUNNY SIDE Monday through Friday at 9:30 am PST starting Monday, August 26, 2024 on Sunny Side YouTube.

The loosely structured show will feature comedy videos being released that day, predictions by the Queen Of The World, guests, guest videos, and live comedy.

Sunny Side comedy videos will be released M-F on four platforms: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and X (Twitter).

HOLLYWOOD DIRT (Playlist/Series)

Roger Goodstone (Jim Turner) and 24/7 (Mark Fite) answer questions from Melissa Melody (Sara Weed) on fantastical events in their 40 year Hollywood music business career. Includes guest performers & videos. 13 episodes were released on Sunny Side YouTube in 2023. HOLLYWOOD DIRT comedy scripts are developed from live improvs Turner and Fite did on Instagram in 2022.

20 new episodes will be released over the 7 week live show run including guest appearances by Nicole Atkins and Puddles Pity Party.

Andy Paley produced music and RUNWAY artificial intelligence produced video for series open.

LET’S SAVE THE WORLD (Playlist/Series)

Three futurists solve world problems.

Nether Bullwinkle (John Fleck) is Elon Musk’s futurist.

Darena Delk (Lisa Hori-Garcia) is futurist for Mind Power Artificial Intelligence.

Galen Woodstock (Michael Shepperd) is author of mega-bestseller: What The Hell Is Happening?

Music by Andy Paley.


World problems visualized by RUNWAY artificial intelligence prompt.

ONE MINUTE DEBATE (Playlist/Series)

Tipping yes or no? Toilet seat up or down? Kitty litter placement?

Poet (Michaela Miller)

Lawyer (Amos Glick),

Librarian (Marie Shell)

C.E.O. (Ed Holmes)

Music by J Raoul Brody.

Videos by RUNWAY artificial intelligence prompt.

JANE WILSON (Playlist/Series)

Vlog of a delightful gal living in an Iowa farmhouse with her husband, Earl Senior, and son, Earle Junior.

Written, performed, and produced by Jane Wilson.

Soon to be feature film.

QUEEN OF THE WORLD (Playlist/Series)

Merle Kessler wrote scripts.

J Raoul Brody wrote music.

Isla Allard drew face.

RUNWAY artificial intelligence produced video.


Sunny Side news and information.

20 Playlist/Series described, and linked.

Over 500 Sunny Side comedy videos built with “how would Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre do it” one click away.


Duck’s Breath was founded in Iowa City, Iowa in 1975. The five-man team has produced a river of absurd theatrical comedy individually and collectively.


“Sunny Side is quality writing, serious acting and artificial intelligence,” laughs Sunny Side live show host Bill Allard, “uncanny valley budgets R us.”


Sunny Side YouTube goal is to develop memorable characters to play feature roles in ULTRA LOW BUDGET ($300,000) COMEDY FILMS.


Roger & 24/7 (working title)

Roger Goodstone (Jim Turner) & 24/7 (Mark Fite) are 40 year veterans of the Hollywood music business.

Jane Wilson Dreaming (working title)

Reality and fantasy in a large Iowa farmhouse.

Ain’t over til it’s over.

Bill Allard

Bill Allard
Duck Spots
+1 415-309-3647
Visit us on social media:

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/705710206/sunny-side-live-show-hosted-by-bill-allard-duck-s-breath-starts-monday-august-26-sunny-side-youtube-9-30am-pst