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October 13, 2024

World Premiere Horror Drama in Stunning Black & White

POSTER - Time of the Witch Time of the Witch.Still Shot 1 Time of the Witch.Still Shot 2 Time of the Witch.Still Shot 3 Time of the Witch.Still Shot...

Pool Safety Covers: Protecting Pools During Off-Seasons

A safety cover creates peace of mind during the off-season by ensuring that no accidents happen around the pool area.”— William GunzburgMETAIRIE, LA, UNITED STATES,...

Fast and Convenient Itinerary Suggestions

Yuyoul Eom, CEO of BeyondEx Inc. BETRIVI Features ((top to bottom) “AI-based Travel Video Segment Search,” “AI-based Itinerary Generation”) BETRIVI Flowchart ((left to right) 1. AI-based Travel...

Springfree Trampoline Offers Test Jumps, Giveaway at Family Fright Fest

Springfree Trampoline will bring test jumps and an epic giveaway to this year’s Family Fright Fest in The Colony, TX. Visit Springfree Trampoline’s Booth to Jump...

Trevor Noah Named 2024–2025 Indie Bookstore Ambassador

Trevor Noah, Indie Bookstore Ambassador 2024-2025 The American Booksellers Association (ABA) is thrilled to announce Trevor Noah as our ambassador for 2024–2025. Independent bookstores connect readers to...

Chronic Pain Management Expert, Pilates Teacher and Author DK Ciccone Brings Movement Remedies to Edinburgh

Author and speaker, DK Ciccone DK Ciccone on her Pilates equipment DK Ciccone helping a client in session Dana Karen Ciccone, chronic pain specialist, Pilates teacher, and author,...