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Forensic Psychologist and Author Brenda Russell to be Featured on Close Up Radio

Forensic Psychologist and Author Brenda Russell to be Featured on Close Up Radio

READING, PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES, August 22, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — While women have made great strides in achieving gender equality many stereotypes linger. For instance, when imagining a victim of partner violence or sexual abuse many picture a woman harmed by a man. Indeed, females often face a higher risk of physical and sexual abuse from male partners. However, women can also be perpetrators of abuse, with rates comparable to those of men. Similarly, individuals within the LGBTQ community experience partner violence at rates that are equal or even surpass those of heterosexual couples. Unfortunately, the victimization of heterosexual men and members of the LGBTQ community frequently go unnoticed, as it challenges our conventional beliefs about abuse. Her own research and countless other scholars have found that abuse against a woman is considered much more serious and in need of outside intervention and arrest. Yet, we do not offer the same concern for men and LGBTQ individuals. Fortunately, one woman has been cluing us in on the truth so we can achieve a fairer more inclusive world.

Brenda is a forensic psychologist, highly sought after speaker, dedicated feminist, and the author of five books, “Gender and Domestic Violence: Contemporary Legal Practice and Intervention Reforms, Oxford University Press” “Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBT+ Community” “Online Research Essentials”, Jossey Bass-Wiley, and “Battered Woman Syndrome as a Legal Defense”, MacFarland, Inc., and “Perceptions of Female Offenders: How Stereotypes and Social Norms Affect Criminal Justice Responses”, Brenda has two more books coming out this November including a two volume second edition of Perceptions of Female Offenders.

Brenda is best known for her exemplary work on interpersonal violence and sexual harassment with a dedicated focus on elevating awareness. Her recent research investigates domestic violence myths towards male victims, exploring how the legal and criminal justice systems can evolve to recognize and serve all victims equally. Brenda is spearheading a grant project that aligns with her innovative research on domestic violence. In addition, Brenda has delved into the realm of opioid abuse and related stigma that creates a barrier for help seeking among those with substance use disorders.

Dr. Russell is dedicated to challenging ingrained societal norms and cultural biases that shape our perceptions and understanding of domestic and sexual abuse and sexual harassment. She believes that gender roles, long characterized by binary structure, have skewed our perception on these issues, casting them within a ‘gender paradigm’ wherein these crimes are often believed to be perpetrated by men against women. However, she believes they are human problems.

She recognizes that this traditional gender paradigm with its notions of masculinity and femininity, does not fit in our evolving society. Her mission is to shine a light on the obscured reality that abuse is not confined to gender and that heterosexual male and LGBTQ individuals are also victims of these crimes often at similar or higher rates. She aims to expose the harmful stereotypes that minimize the experiences and suffering of countless victims.

She critically analyzes our current practices and challenges the disparities in recognizing, intervening, and responding to various forms of abuse amongst all individuals, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

By fostering understanding she aims to break the cycle of bias and misinformation.

Brenda does not intend to minimize the abuse of women, but rather seeks to create a society where all victims of abuse are treated with the dignity, compassion, and understanding they deserve, no matter the gender identity or sexual orientation. She assertively stands against the trivialization of abuse for all victims and works to help others recognize these crimes as a human issue, not a gendered issue.

She strives for true equality, where every individual can live free from the fear of abuse. Through this mission, she hopes to pave the way for societal change that acknowledges and addresses these pervasive problems in a comprehensive and inclusive manner. The time for change is now, and she is committed to being at the forefront of this critical mission.

That’s why Brenda wrote five books which she will also discuss in her interview with Doug Llewelyn.

Although arguably, we live in a patriarchal society we can create a gender equal world and support each other. By not devaluing one another we can mitigate the way these stereotypes lead people to treat men and women differently stunting our progression in battling discrimination once and for all.

Close Up Radio will feature Brenda Russel in an interview with Doug Llewelyn on Wednesday August 23rd at 11am Eastern

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
+1 631-850-3314
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/651376545/forensic-psychologist-and-author-brenda-russell-to-be-featured-on-close-up-radio