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Raye Mitchell, a Harvard Law grad now actor and producer, comments delivered at FTC hearing on impersonation fraud

Raye Mitchell, Harvard Law School-educated Actor and Content Producer, Discusses Consumer Protection Against Imposter Fraud

Cindy Brown, Olympic gold medalist, WNBA player (ret), Speaker FTC Hearing Impersonation Fraud

Cindy Brown, Olympic gold medalist, WNBA player (ret)

Cindy Brown, Olympic gold medalist, WNBA player (ret.), testified about impersonation fraud by an imposter bank and lawyers that left her living in her car.

Complicity in the fraud through silence is an assault on our dignity, our mental health, and our financial stability”

— Cindy Brown

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA, May 23, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — On May 4, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) convened its informal hearing on its proposed rule prohibiting government and business impersonation. The hearing, presided over by Chief Administrative Law Judge D. Michael Chappell, was live-streamed on ftc.gov. The invited speakers’ list included only thirteen speakers and experts who had previously submitted written remarks. Cindy Brown, an Olympic gold medalist, and retired WNBA player, was invited to speak on the comment prepared by Brown and Raye Mitchell, a Harvard-trained entertainment lawyer turned actor, producer, and media commentator helping Brown tell her story and be heard. There is no litigation pending, but the FTC rulemaking is detailed as 16 CFR Part 461: Trade Regulation Rule on Impersonation of Government and Businesses (NPRM)

“I support the FTC’s work because my family was the victim of mortgage fraud and business impostors who used forged documents to defraud the family over thirteen years ago to try to take title to the family home. The imposters were reported to the authorities and the business named on the fake documents, but no action was taken.” Mitchell adds. Mitchell and Brown co-authored the FTC comment and posted it in December 2022 on the FTC website, accessible here or www.breakingtheinsidioussilence.com. The duo’s mission is critical in their fight against imposter fraud, a deceptive practice that has devastating consequences for its victims. Their comment and Brown’s testimony highlighted the urgent need for stronger consumer protections against this form of fraud in all areas, including title theft cases.

Brown herself fell victim to such a scheme when imposters and their lawyers, claiming to represent the Bank of New York Mellon, led a SWAT-like raid on her home, resulting in an eviction and invasion of her privacy and possible theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars of her personal property. Thus far, many representations of who authorized the raid have been unconfirmed because of the silence of bank officials. Brown is still unhoused.

“My family’s and Cindy’s story is not unique. They are just one of many families who have been victimized by this type of mortgage and consumer fraud. Impersonation fraud is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.” Mitchell states.

Mitchell is investigating the SWAT-like raid, the theft, and the improper invasion of Brown’s privacy and has communicated with government officials to get to the bottom of what happened when the legal professionals involved and the civil justice system failed to protect Brown from this type of impersonation fraud. “Cindy made the FTC appearance to deliver the personal trauma of business name impersonation and the harm when companies with actual knowledge of the misuse of their names remain silent,” Mitchell said. “I am pleased that the FTC heard from Cindy Brown directly as one of America’s heroes who has been victimized by business impersonation fraud and the bank’s silence,” Mitchell added. “Complicity in the fraud through silence is an assault on our dignity, our mental health, and our financial stability,” Brown stated during her testimony. “I should know. It happened to me,” she added.

Cindy Brown’s Story

Brown’s testimony (a copy of her prepared remarks) addressed the FTC’s work for consumers, workers, and honest businesses. She shared her personal story of becoming a target of impersonation fraud and the subsequent foreclosure of her home by fraudsters using the name of the Bank of New York Mellon. “I live unhoused. I live day to day in trauma and fear of my safety,” Brown said. “I am hopeful that my comments today will help break the spread of business name impersonation when the real business embraces an insidious silence when they could act to confirm or deny the wrongful use of its name.”

Brown’s testimony adds a compelling account of the life changes that can occur when individuals are defrauded by business name imposters because no one is safe and legitimate businesses remain silent when their names are used to commit fraud.

The posted comment and Brown’s testimony underscore the urgent need for the FTC’s proposed rule prohibiting government and business impersonation. This work aims to protect Americans from the harmful effects of government and business name impersonation and corporate complicity in fraud through silence. Mitchell looks forward to releasing developments from the investigation soon. Mitchell and Brown will continue their outreach efforts to other oversight agencies and organizations, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the American Bar Association, to address the duty of candor to the courts and the public when lawyers who knowingly—or through willful ignorance—present the claims of imposters to the judiciary to “win at any cost.”

If you have been a victim of impersonation fraud, please visit the FTC website. Also, visit www.breakingtheinsidioussilence.com, and share your comments.

About Raye Mitchell, JD, MBA

Raye Mitchell is a Harvard Law School-trained entertainment lawyer turned actor and civil rights activist. She is a content producer, award-winning author, philanthropist, and intellectual property strategist in the fight to help anyone and everyone produce, protect, and tell their stories to the masses and be heard. Mitchell also earned her MBA from the USC Marshall School of Business and BS from the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. She is investigating the alleged imposters that led a SWAT-like raid on Cindy Brown’s home and is the author of a government whistleblower report on how Cindy Brown was defrauded. Visit the DrRayeMitchell.com, RayeMitchell.actor, TheMouthologyShow.tv, and Bossology53.tv websites for more information. Connect with Raye Mitchell on LinkedIn.

About Cindy Brown

Cindy Brown is an Olympic gold medalist, former WNBA basketball player, and NCAA record holder. She advocates for stronger protections against identity theft, mortgage fraud, and business name impersonation, and corporate complicity in fraud through silence.

Raye Mitchell
Bossology 53 Entertainment LLC
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/634344803/raye-mitchell-a-harvard-law-grad-now-actor-and-producer-comments-delivered-at-ftc-hearing-on-impersonation-fraud