Home Lifestyle A Symbol of Unity on the “I LOVE NEW YORK” Billboard

A Symbol of Unity on the “I LOVE NEW YORK” Billboard


Viviana Puello & Alan Grimandi - ATIM Founders

Viviana Puello & Alan Grimandi – ATIM Founders

Times Square’s New Year’s Eve Transformation: ArtTour International’s Digital Exhibition on the ‘I LOVE NEW YORK’ Billboard Unites and Inspires Through Art

In lighting up Times Square with art, we’re uniting and inspiring. This exhibition, especially on New Year’s Eve, celebrates art’s power to connect us across all divides.”

— Viviana Puello, Founder of ArtTour International Magazine

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA, December 26, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — As New Year’s Eve approaches, an exceptional art exhibition is set to take place in Times Square, New York City. ArtTour International Magazine, a renowned organization that promotes global art and artists, is hosting a digital art exhibition that will be displayed on the iconic “I Love New York” Billboard.

The digital exhibition is unique in both its format and location as it will be showcased on the billboard all day on New Year’s Eve, ending at 11:30 pm, just before the city rings in the new year. This timing and location are significant because it represents a moment of unity, celebration, and anticipation for a brighter future as millions gather to welcome the new year.

The exhibition curated by ArtTour International Magazine is not just a display of artistic excellence; it’s a message of peace, unity, and awareness that will be broadcast on one of the most visible platforms globally. The artworks have been handpicked to resonate with these themes, reflecting a universal language transcending borders and cultural barriers.

What sets this exhibition apart is its accessibility and reach. It will be displayed digitally, ensuring that art reaches people worldwide, making it part of their New Year’s Eve celebration in New York City.

The event is not just about the art on display; it’s also about the people behind it. The team from ArtTour International Magazine will be present to broadcast the event live. Viviana Puello, an art celebrity and the famous founder of ArtTour International Magazine will lead the presentation. Her presence adds a layer of insight and engagement to the exhibition, introducing the artists and their works to the audience.

Each piece displayed on the billboard is a conversation starter, prompting viewers to reflect on global issues such as environmental conservation, peace, and human rights. This exhibition serves as a beautiful reminder of the unifying power of art, encouraging dialogue and fostering understanding, bridging gaps between people of different backgrounds.

As the “I LOVE NEW YORK” Billboard lights up with these artworks, Times Square transforms into a gallery without walls, where art and its messages resonate with every passerby. This exhibition is not just a visual spectacle; it’s a celebration of human creativity and the enduring power of art to inspire and unite.

ArtTour International’s digital exhibition on the “I Love New York” Billboard is a beacon of hope and beauty in a world that often feels fragmented. It invites everyone, regardless of their background or interest in art, to pause, reflect, and appreciate the creative expressions representing humanity’s best. This New Year’s Eve, Times Square will not just be a place of celebration but also a monument to the unifying power of art.

To discover all about the artists on display and their artworks, visit www.ART2024.NYC

Written by Lindsay Davis

Lindsay Davis
ArtTour International Magazine

Best of 2023 In The Art World by ArtTour International Magazine

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/677322749/arttour-international-s-digital-exhibition-a-symbol-of-unity-on-the-i-love-new-york-billboard