Home Lifestyle Ahara® Offers DEI Solution to the Food-is-Medicine Movement

Ahara® Offers DEI Solution to the Food-is-Medicine Movement

Ahara® Offers DEI Solution to the Food-is-Medicine Movement
Food-is-Medicine solutions that reflect our cultures.

Food-is-Medicine solutions that reflect our cultures.

There is a rapidly growing movement in using food as medicine but the solutions tend to reflect Euro-centric foods. Ahara® scales culturally-relevant food.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, January 5, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Food-is-Medicine (FIM) is growing rapidly in response to food insecurity and diet-related conditions. Despite the strong evidence behind food and nutrition as a powerful solution to chronic conditions, one critical factor is missing in the FIM Movement: cultural-relevancy. Until now. Ahara®, Inc. fills the gap in the FIM space making health more equitable by accelerating access to culturally-relevant food and nutrition.

Food is personal. It represents our families, cultures, memories, social events, and more. For decades we’ve seen that generic blanketed diets don’t work. Regardless of how much willpower an individual may have, if the food and nutrition solutions they are implementing drastically differ from their usual food preferences, sustained adherence is unlikely. Instead, we know small changes over time that still incorporate our beloved foods in moderation is key, including foods that reflect our cultural foodways.

With chronic conditions as well as food insecurity disproportionately affecting BIPOC communities due to social determinants of health, it is critical that FIM solutions are tailored to diverse participants. For FIM to truly be successful, it must reflect BIPOC communities. Instead, we see solutions reflecting Eurocentric foodways.

Ahara® fills the gap by providing food and nutrition solutions led by nutrition experts, Registered Dietitians, from a variety of backgrounds and languages ensuring the solutions reflect the foodways of the populations that need them the most. The Ahara® FIM solution feels like a best friend or family member supporting individuals on their food and nutrition journey. The foods as well as the healthcare professionals feel familiar. As a result, FIM gets a much-needed injection of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Krista Yoder
Ahara®, Inc.
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/678825688/ahara-offers-dei-solution-to-the-food-is-medicine-movement