Home Lifestyle Fresh Up Your Life shares healthy seasonal fruit recipes

Fresh Up Your Life shares healthy seasonal fruit recipes

Today’s consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of leading a healthy, balanced life without sacrificing taste.

NEW YORK, USA, January 16, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — When eating, it is essential to pay attention to the quality of the food chosen preferring natural foods, such as fruit and vegetables, even better if in season.

The Fresh Up Your Life – top-quality European Fruit & Veg project is a communication and information campaign co-financed by the European Union and CSOItaly to promote the consumption of fruit and vegetables produced in the territories of the union following the most restrictive quality standards. The project aims, in fact, to encourage consumers to be even more careful and conscious in their consumption choices.

It is precisely seasonal fruit and vegetables that help to counteract the negative effects of the cold and winter that has now arrived. Seasonal vegetables and fruit such as kiwi and citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, which aids the assimilation of iron, a deficiency of which causes weakness, and strengthens the immune system’s defences. They also provide fibre, which not only promotes satiety and staves off hunger pangs, but also helps eliminate excess toxins that fatigue the body.

To get the best for the body, here are two recipes to consume these fruits by incorporating them into the daily diet without losing all their natural benefits.

The habit of including orange juice in breakfast is widespread throughout the West, but it is almost always packaged juice. Exceptions are countries such as Italy, where both restaurants and households are very familiar with the traditional freshly squeezed juice, because fresh oranges are much tastier and healthier, besides being cheap. Orange juice is an excellent food that cannot be missing in a healthy diet. Oranges are part of the citrus fruit family and are among the most common crops in the Mediterranean basin. Blood oranges provide vitamin C and B vitamins useful for boosting the body’s defenses. In addition, they contain many minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which are valuable for supporting the body. They are also an excellent source of antioxidants, which protect cells from oxidative stress and play an active role in energy metabolism.

Blood orange juice

– Oranges: for one glass of orange juice, equal to 250 ml, about three medium-sized oranges are needed.

– Juicer


To squeeze oranges easily, cut them in half lengthwise, i.e. cut the segments in half. Then squeeze them with a juicer and pour the juice obtained into a glass. Now the juice is ready. If, on the other hand, no residual pulp is desired, simply put it through a strainer before pouring it into the glass to separate the solid part from the rest of the liquid. It is important to remember that freshly squeezed orange juice should be drunk within a few minutes of being squeezed so that it can give all the vitamins it contains. If left to stand, the juice will lose the amount of vitamins present and within 12 hours it will be completely devoid of them, while retaining its flavour.

Kiwis are also an excellent source of vitamin C, in fact they contain even more than oranges. They also provide a variety of minerals, including potassium and magnesium, which help counteract tiredness. Kiwi fruit is a good intestinal regulator of metabolism and fat absorption because it is rich in fibre, has purifying and detoxifying properties, and helps to reduce bloating and ‘detoxify’ the body. Besides eating it, it is worth trying adding it to normal water.

Detox water with kiwi and lemon

– 1 l water

– 3 kiwis

– 1 lemon


First, the lemon must be washed well to remove any dirt residue on the peel. Then slice it and place the resulting pieces or slices in a jug. Then move on to the kiwis, which should be peeled and sliced or chopped, depending on personal taste. The kiwi should be added to the lemon in the jug, which should be filled with water at room temperature.

To obtain a pleasant taste, the fruit needs to be left to infuse for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight. The lemon and kiwi detox water can be served either cold or at room temperature and will keep in the fridge for a couple of days at most. Perfect to drink at any time of the day, once filtered it can also be taken to the gym in the favourite water bottle. Thanks to the presence of lemon and kiwi, this detox water will help burn fat, is antioxidant and rich in vitamin C.

The Fresh Up Your Life project also features the contribution of leading companies in the Italian market, including Apofruit, Cico-Mazzoni, Conserve Italia, Lagnasco Group, Oranfrizer, Origine Group and Salvi-Unacoa.

News about CSOItaly

CSOItaly, founded in 1998, is a unique entity in Italy that associates many of Italy’s leading companies in the production and marketing of domestic fruit and vegetables. Completing the range of members are important companies specializing in different areas of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, from packaging, logistics, processing, machinery, and distribution. CSOItaly’s mission is to provide useful services to members to improve and make the Italian fruit and vegetable industry more efficient and competitive. A technical table at the service of the entire Italian fruit and vegetable supply chain to increase its competitiveness through synergy among operators. CSOItaly, has 73 members, distributed as follows: 51 producer members, 14 supply chain members, 3 subsidizing members and 5 supporting bodies.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Renato Pagani
SEC Newgate Italia Srl
+39 335 683 9561

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/680283198/fresh-up-your-life-shares-healthy-seasonal-fruit-recipes