Home Lifestyle Recent Findings on Perceived Out-of-Body Experiences Raise New Questions

Recent Findings on Perceived Out-of-Body Experiences Raise New Questions

The spontaneous out-of-body experience is now hypothesized to occur often as a reaction to physiological and/or psychological threat or danger.

CASA GRANDE, ARIZONA, UNITED STATES, April 21, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — The NDE OBE Research Project, which began on April 13, 2020, is focused on identifying and defining different types of perceived out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and discovering the differences and commonalities among them, focusing on any possible catalysts, the event itself, and the process from beginning to end. Robert King, the Project Manager of this ongoing study, released a 98-page report on April 17, 2023, reporting the findings from Phase II of the project, which are based on a total 240 participants reporting 252 perceived OBEs. The report is available free to the public at


This report from Phase II identifies various types and subtypes of perceived OBEs, basing the primary categorization of perceived OBEs on the experient’s condition or state, which includes physiologically near-death perceived OBEs (NDOBEs), life-danger perceived OBEs (LDOBEs), life-danger-to-near-death perceived OBEs (LD-NDOBEs), altered-mind perceived OBEs (AMOBEs), and other spontaneous perceived OBEs (OSOBEs). This phase of the study suggests that the reduction, disruption, or cessation to the body’s oxygen supply may be associated with most perceived NDOBEs. It also acknowledges that intense pain and/or physical trauma as well as substance intake under certain variable conditions for some experients may contribute to some perceived OBEs. This second phase of the research also reiterates (as in Phase I) the hypothesis that the primary catalyst for perceived NDOBEs, perceived LDOBEs, and perceived LD-NDOBEs may be an unconscious, adaptive, reactionary process triggered by various psychological and/or physiological stimuli initiating the onset of a nonpathological dissociation or detachment. Furthermore, this second report expands this hypothesis to include some perceived OSOBEs and possibly even some perceived AMOBEs. Furthermore, another hypothesis has been offered suggesting that this dissociation in these types of cases is purposeful as either an orienting response to threat/stress and/or to allow for a beneficial absorption, depending on the conditions and circumstances.

This research so far has found that there are both commonalities and differences among different types and subtypes of perceived OBEs. This includes the finding that most of the features reported in perceived OBEs that took place during real physiological conditions of near-death were also found in some perceived OBEs in which individuals were not actually near death. In particular, this has included features such as perceptions of seeing one’s own physical body, experiencing a lack of pain, feeling a sense of peace, experiencing different perceptions of time, having a visual life review experience, seeing perceived-OBE personages, observing a bright light, encountering tunnels, and experiencing a transcendental otherworldly type of environment. In this second phase new dilemmas were also explored and discussed, such as the high report of missing facial features on perceived-OBE personages and incorrect perceptions of the immediate environment during non-transcendental perceived OBEs across all types and subtypes. Furthermore, it was found that the brain has the capability to formulate a simulated environment at least in some perceived-OBE cases.

In addition, though most perceived OBEs take place while the physical body is in a prone position with muscular relaxation and cessation of movement during a state of somatic unconsciousness, sleep, or meditative repose, the NDE OBE Research Project has pointed out that this is not always the case. The study has reported over 31 cases of observed somatic continuance in which the physical body persists in what appears to be self-sustaining, autonomous or semi-autonomous behavior, such as sitting erect, standing, walking, running, or performing other actions while the consciousness of that physical body has the impression of watching that body from a distant vantage point.

All of these findings not only add to the current literature on OBEs and NDEs, but also point out important dilemmas and raise some new questions.

About Robert King

Robert King has been studying OBEs and/or NDEs since the 1980s and is an independent researcher with published papers in various professional journals. King also holds a Master of Arts Degree in Psychology and is an ordained minister with Calvary Chapel.

Robert King
The NDE OBE Research Project

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/629203547/recent-findings-on-perceived-out-of-body-experiences-raise-new-questions