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Revolutionizing Veterans’ Mental Health: Dr. Major Zaid Fadul Takes the Helm at Better U as Medical Director

With over 12 years of experience in the Air Force as a flight surgeon, Dr. Fadul brings a wealth of experience working directly with those who have served.

Dr. Fadul joining Better U is a game changer, and we are excited to witness how he will shape the future of mental health care.”

— Derek DuChesne

CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, USA, December 11, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Better U, a leading mental health platform, is proud to announce the appointment of Major Zaid Fadul, MD, FS, FAAFP, as its new Medical Director. This significant change comes as the organization embarks on a new direction, focusing intensively on veterans, suicide, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction, alongside continuing to support broader mental health needs.

With over 12 years of experience in the Air Force as a flight surgeon, Dr. Fadul brings a wealth of experience working directly with those who have served, including fighter pilots, combat rescue teams, and several other career fields. His deep understanding of PTSD, stemming from both professional insight and personal trauma, positions him uniquely to lead Better U’s renewed focus.

Dr. Fadul’s passionate commitment to mental health, especially for those who often feel unseen due to “invisible injuries” like PTSD, drives his approach at Better U. “It hurts me to see those suffering from PTSD become invisible due to their mental injuries. I am here to ensure they feel heard, seen, and supported,” says Dr. Fadul. “With the current mental health landscape, intensified by factors like COVID-19, domestic violence, and unprocessed trauma, there’s a crucial need for specialized support. At Better U, we’re committed to addressing these challenges head-on.”

“We are thrilled to have Dr. Fadul on board. His unique approach to healing, which encompasses the mind, body, and spirit – along with his remarkable life experience, makes him an invaluable asset to our patients. Dr. Fadul’s expertise not only complements our current focus but also broadens our horizons beyond the realms of psychiatry, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards comprehensive health care,” said Derek DuChesne, CEO and Co-Founder at Better U. “We are at the dawn of a new era in how we treat mental health, and leading this charge is Dr. Fadul. His leadership and innovative approach are guiding us and redefining the standards of compassionate and advanced mental health support. Dr. Fadul joining Better U is a game changer, and we are excited to witness how he will shape the future of mental health care.”

About Better U

Better U is leading a paradigm shift in mental wellness, moving away from conventional psychiatry’s focus on illness diagnosis and treatment to a pioneering approach that emphasizes self-exploration, neurological enhancement, and comprehensive health. Central to this innovative philosophy is the use of psychedelic-assisted therapies, designed to fast-track personal development, boost brain function, and drive both personal and clinical breakthroughs.

Better U’s flagship Psychedelic Therapy program combines oral ketamine treatments with a compassionate support network to catalyze lasting change. This method is further augmented by personalized coaching and talk therapy to cement healthier habits, directly addressing the root causes of PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

As part of its expansion, Better U now offers an array of at-home services across multiple states — California, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Washington, Utah, Illinois, New York, Alaska and Oregon. In select states, Better U further complements these offerings with in-clinic services, demonstrating its commitment to improving access to accessible and effective treatments.

For more information, please visit: www.betterUcare.com

Kathleen Gonzales
Better U

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/674324690/revolutionizing-veterans-mental-health-dr-major-zaid-fadul-takes-the-helm-at-better-u-as-medical-director