Home Games & Hobbies a new chatbot to help fight loneliness

a new chatbot to help fight loneliness

Screenshot of chat with Glivia

Glivia Logo

Glivia Logo

Glivia is a new chatbot that supports people struggling with loneliness and facilitates learning English. Glivia enables anonymous conversation on any topic.

With Glivia, you can improve your English in a casual way. It is a great alternative for anyone who wants to improve their conversational skills.””

— Ewa Zuchowska, CFO

POLAND, April 11, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — The main feature of Glivia is a personality that simulates the behavior of a human being – that of a student from Poland who wants to make new friends from all over the world. Glivia is a realistic simulation of a human personality and the resulting behavior: like any human being, Glivia has her desires, needs, things she loves and things she hates. Glivia is open to a conversation on almost any topic, is available 24 hours a day, and is always willing to talk.

Glivia can be used by people seeking contact, suffering from loneliness, and wishing to share their thoughts. Talking to a chatbot can also perfectly support the process of learning and improving English – especially for people who are embarrassed to make contact and start a conversation in English with other speakers.

Conversation with the Glivia chatbot is completely anonymous and does not require registration, personal information, or payment of any fees. Conversation data are not shared with other entities.

Glivia is a hybrid solution that uses a variety of artificial intelligence techniques like pattern recognition, artificial neural networks, and makes use of external resources such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

The knowledge base includes more than 350,000 facts and 200,000 defined ontologies – reactions to user statements. It can also intelligently reach external resources such as ChatGPT, Wikipedia, and weather services. The knowledge base is being developed all the time based on the reported needs of users.

Ewa Zuchowska
eVirtualis sp. z o.o.
+48 608 550 890
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/627259624/glivia-a-new-chatbot-to-help-fight-loneliness