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Teacher Invents a Device That Revolutionizes Braille, STEM and Art Learning for Blind Children Worldwide

Teacher Invents a Device That Revolutionizes Braille, STEM and Art Learning for Blind Children Worldwide

The BrailleDoodle Kickstarter Main Picture

A Hispanic girl about 13 is examining the BrailleDoodle

Millie and the BrailleDoodle

A boy's hands is doing braille on the BrailleDoodle- close up

A boy’s hands is doing braille on the BrailleDoodle

The BrailleDoodle Kickstarter has experienced worldwide success, but there is still time to help.

Would love this! Sadly, I am struggling to get braille instruction for my child. I think this would help me teach him. The BrailleDoodle can’t come out fast enough!”

— Tammy M., Parent of Nathan, age 10

VALHALLA, NY, UNITED STATES, June 13, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — With a 90% illiteracy rate, blind children across America suffer from a tremendous disservice. Yet, a new innovation brings hope. With that in mind, we are thrilled to announce the launch of BrailleDoodle.

The BrailleDoodle is an inexpensive, refreshable, two-sided tablet for learning Braille and creating tactile images. With Etch-a-Sketch-like technology, the BrailleDoodle will bring Braille literacy and accessibility with tactile Science, Math, and Art to blind people worldwide.

The pandemic had a significantly detrimental impact on blind children, who were left to learn remotely with few resources. Yet, this only magnified a problem that has existed for decades. According to the National Federation of the Blind, only 10 percent of blind children were learning to read and write (Braille). Worldwide, that figure is much lower; for example, it is less than one percent in India.

The frustration felt during the pandemic, and these disturbing statistics led Daniel Lubiner to develop the BrailleDoodle. Lubiner is a 25-year veteran special education and art teacher to blind students. The BrailleDoodle seeks to help remedy some of these issues by providing an accessible and enjoyable way for blind children to learn Braille.

What is the BrailleDoodle?

The BrailleDoodle features an array of hundreds of holes, each containing a smooth, tiny metal ball that can be pulled to the surface by a magnetic stylus. A spring under each ball holds it up with just the right amount of force so it can be touched without falling, and a user can simply push the ball back down to erase.

The device features a ‘Braille side’ with examples of letters, numbers, and words and plenty of space to practice. Other devices are sold to teach Braille; however, the BrailleDoodle alone allows young children to work independently and has room for practicing words and sentences.

The ‘Doodle side’ reveals plenty of space to enjoy what some call “The Etch-a-Sketch for the blind.” It’s a place for tactile drawing, and unlike any other product, graphs can be made and manipulated. “It is amazing how we take for granted that sighted children have everything they need to learn how to read and write, see charts, graphs, and diagrams; we assume everyone does,” said Lubiner. “The BrailleDoodle aims to level the playing field and give blind children the same opportunities for success.”

How can I purchase or donate one?

The BrailleDoodle Kickstarter, happening right now, allows ordering or donating the device for only $75. The TouchPad Pro Foundation was happy to report they have pre-sold 385 BrailleDoodles to 16 countries worldwide and generated over $30,000 in sales.

The Foundation is a registered nonprofit organization founded in 2021 to distribute the BrailleDoodle to children who are blind, low-vision, or deaf-blind worldwide, even to those unable to afford it. All donations made on Kickstarter and directly to the foundation are tax-deductible.

Creating access to tactile art and making learning fun puts children on the path to a successful education and a better future. Visit the BrailleDoodle Kickstarter directly by clicking this link: tinyurl.com/BrailleDoodleKickstarter.

For more information and alt text, visit TouchPadProFoundation.org.

Daniel S Lubiner
TouchPad Pro Assistive Technology LLC
+1 973-699-3327
email us here
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Kickstarter Video

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/638962246/teacher-invents-a-device-that-revolutionizes-braille-stem-and-art-learning-for-blind-children-worldwide